Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Be Smart The holidays

The holidays are difficult times to be on a 'diet'. 

Enjoy yourself.  Just be smart: only one helping of mashed potatoes, take a long walk after that holiday party.

Friday, December 18, 2009

More on leashes for your dog

The reason I recommend a short leash is to keep your dog focused on walking.  The long retactable leashes encourage your dog to wander ahead, then lag behind you.  The reason you are walking your dog is for YOUR excercise, not your dog's entertainment.  Use a short lease (in your left/non-dominant hand) and you just keep walking.  Your pooch will soon learn that lolly-gagging isn't an option.  She will learn rather quickly that walking is her job.

Be Smart: keep walking at least 20 minutes per day. 

Walking your dog

Since your walking 20 minutes (1 mile) every day, you might be a bit frustrated with your dog. She's likely a pain in the butt on your walks: stopping/sniffing/pulling a lot. She'll get the idea pretty quick if you stick with it.

Here are my three suggestions for walking with your dog:
use a harness. This will keep the leash up where she won't trip or tangle as much

use a short leash. The long retractable leashes encourage her to stop and smell the roses.

hold her leash in your left hand. You're likely right-handed, holding her leash will actually excercise your left arm whole you walk. It's also proper form to hold the leash on the left.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Be Smart Walk

Still not walking?  

Today: leave your home, walk away for ten minutes, turn around and come back. 

That's about a mile. 

You've probably wasted 20 minutes today already on the web. 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Breakfast Anything will do

My breakfast this morning (Hostess fruit pie) was probably not the smartest choice.  But the important thing is to east breakfast.  Anything will do. 

The goal is to kick-start your metabolism.  I probably had more calories than I should have, but my metabolism is definately up and running now.  I'll probably be hungry by noon.  That's a good sign that things are working.

Sure, a yogurt or fruit is best, but eat whatever you can as early as you can!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Be Smart drink more water

I don't know of too many men who drink 8 glasses of water per day.  You probably need to drink more than you already do, however.

I recommend a glass first thing in the morning.  Try to add another glass during the day.  Drink water with lunch.

If you can get a few more drinks of water in your day - you will feel a lot better!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Be Smart Walk you dog.

Walking with your dog is great excercise.  It's also a great way to improve your relationship with her.  She will absolutely love it.  My dog used to be a runner; everytime a door was open - she would bolt!  Now, after a few months of (almost) daily walks, she's a much better dog.  She doesn't run away anymore; maybe she was just curious about the outside world.  Now she is very attached to me.

Regular walks with your dog will keep you honest.  She'll remind you when it's time to take a walk.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Be Smart Talk to your doctor.

I suppose I should advise everyone to talk to their doctor before starting any 'diet'.  This is especially true if you have a serious health condition.  This does not apply if you are an aggressive driver; why take care of yourself when your just going to wind up killing yourself? 

Seriously guys - why do you tailgate?  You aren't getting there any quicker. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

B Vitamins. How much?

Most experts agree that you should get your vitamins from the food you eat, rather than from supplements.

This works only if you eat a well balanced diet. Most of us don't, which is why we're so pudgy.

I recommend that you supplement your diet with lower dosed vitamin B complex tablets. Look for those labeled 'B-50'.

The next time you see your doctor, ask him/her about it. Let us know.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Be Smart Walk

Take a walk.  Every day.  If you can find just 20 minutes in your day for some 'me' time, do it today.  At an average walking pace, you can walk 3 miles per hour, mile in 20 minutes.   You'll feel better.  I shouldn't have to tell you why walking is good for you, but I'll name a few:  cardio excersice, muscle excercise, fresh air, peace/quiet.

Lots more on walking coming up.    Tell us about your excercise program.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Breakfast. Fruit

This morning I had another perfect breakfast-a banana.

Quick, easy, no mess. And it was healthy!

More in fruit later. What's your favorite breakfast fruit?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Be Smart Talk to your doctor.

Every diet is supposed to advise you to talk to your doctor first.   This is smart.  Can you imagine some of those conversations? 

"Doc, I'm starting this new diet where I only eat spinach smoothies....."

What doctor in the world would endorse these fad diets?

The Mans Diet is different.  Tell your doctor that you're trying something you saw on the internet:

"Doc, I'm starting this diet where you eat breakfast, take B vitamins and make smart decisions about your health.  You know, things like adding some excersice, eating healthier etc.    What do you think?"

Any good doctor will tell you that this isn't a 'diet', but a healthy lifestyle.  

Go ahead, check with your doctor.  Let us know what he/she says.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Be Smart. Push aways

You've heard of push-ups. Sure they're good for you. But even better are 'push-aways'. Try pushing away from the table when you're full. You don't need another helping. Who cares if there is a leftover piece of pizza?

Today try a push-away.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Be Smart drink a glass of water

While aiting for the coffee to brew, chug a glass of water.   You know you need it, you're thirsty.  Think about it: you urinated before you went to bed.  The first thing you did when you woke up was to go to the bathroom. Where do you think all that fluid came from?   While you were sleeping, your body took fluid from every organ and every cell and filled your bladder.   You need to replenish that fluid.

I know that coffee has water in it.   But be smart about it - drink a glass of water first thing.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

About The Mans Diet

What to expect from The Mans Diet:

You already have everything you need.  Breakfast, B Vitamins and Be Smart.  In upcoming posts, I'll expand on these three 'rules'.

Breakfast ideas, tips and facts about breakfast.

More information about B vitamins

Lots of tips to Be Smart.  I'll discuss healthy eating, excercise lifestyle tips, etc.

Your comments are valued.  They may lead to future topics.  So please comment.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The first rule of The Mans Diet is 'eat breakfast'. Eat whatever you want for breakfast, you really can't go wrong. The idea is to get your metabolism going. Find something in the fridge/pantry/menu that sounds good and eat it.
You don't need to count calories, just eat breakfast. Anything. Really.

Friday, November 27, 2009

What is The Man's Diet?

First of all, I'm not a health expert.  Just a pudgy middle-aged man.

A few years ago, my doctor casually mentioned his diet advice for me:

1. Eat Breakfast

2. Take B vitamins

3,  Be Smart.  Don't order the double cheeseburger, get the chicken sandwich.  Don't eat second helpings.  Just be smart about your diet.

Over the years, I've largely ignored that advice.  But last year, after intestinal surgery, I thought about that advice often.  It makes sense.  Men can lose weight easier than women, it's biological.  By simply following these three 'rules', you can be healthier.  

I'll be updating frequently with tips that will help you stay on track.  I'll include easy breakfast ideas, facts about vitamins, and lots of ideas to help you Be Smart.

I encourage your feedback. 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Be Smart on Thanksgiving

Be Smart.  Do you really need that third helping?

It's Thanksgiving, enjoy it to the fullest.   Just don't be stupid. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Breakfast tip

Today's breakfast tip is a simple food idea. Quick, simple, cheap: yogurt.

You can stock up at the market for just a few dollars and you'll have an ample supply on hand.

Lots of varieties available, try some different ones.

Yogurt is especially good for you. It's a dairy product so it has calcium and a few vitamins. Yogurt is very good for your digestive system.

If there is a perfect breakfast food on The Mans Diet - it's yogurt.

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


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