Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breakfast How early?

Many men aren't hungry when they wake up. 
The point of starting your day with breakfast is to kick-start your metabolism.  Eating early in the day will maximize the number of hours your body is in 'high gear', so try to eat as early as you can.   For me, I start each morning with a glass of water (while waiting for the coffee to brew).  Then I eat a small breakfast, followed by my B-vitamin and another glass of water.  I've learned the hard way that vitamins are a lot better when taken with food, otherwise you might get nautious. 

This simple morning ritual gets TheMansDiet going early each day.  Now, all you have to worry about for the rest of the day is to make smarter decisions with your food and excercise.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

resolutions update

It's been a couple of weeks since New Years Day.  Hopefully, you're still on track to take better care of yourself.  If you've fallen off the wagon, it's OK.  Get back on track by simply committing to the three rules:

  Breakfast, B Vitamins, Be Smart.

Start with breakfast, any breakfast.  This is difficult for me and many people.  If you take any prescription medications along with your Vitamin B, you might get an upset stomache when you take your meds without food.  (Check the Rx labels to make sure it doesn't advise you to take on an empty stomache.)

Eat something, take your B vitamin (and other AM meds) and chug a full glass of water.   Make this part of your daily routine. 

Friday, January 8, 2010

What is The Man's Diet?

All diets work about the same way: burn more calories than you eat.  Whether it's a program where you buy your food from the program, count calories or carbs, or even those meal replacement diets (cookie diets) - they all require that you eat less calories than you burn.  The Mans Diet is no different, it's just smarter:  we take advantage of our metabolism to burn more calories.  We do this by jump-starting our metabolism with breakfast.  This gets our systems working early to burn more calories for more hours.  The B-vitamins boost the metabolism even more.   By being smart, we add some excercise and reduce the calories we eat. 

So what's the difference?  
 The Man's Diet is easy.  By changing our lifestyle little-by-little, it's no longer a diet!  We're just taking better care of our bodies by being smart.

Of course your doctor should have some input, especially if you have a serious health condition.  Every doctor I've discussed  The Mans Diet with agrees that this is a good aproach to better health,albeit some doctors have some other advice for men with special situations.

Send me your questions.  If I can't answer them, I'll find someone who can.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Be Smart walking article

Today's USA Today has a good article about walking:


It's a bit more complicated than I think it needs to be, but a good message.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Of course it's time for resolutions.  You've probably already picked yours.  If not, here are some suggestions (it's never too late to improve yourself):

Start taking care of yourself
Get healthy
Lose weight

 You can start right now by simply committing to eat breakfast and take your vitamins. 

Remember the mans diet 3 rules:  Breakfast, B Vitamins, Be Smart.